Thursday, January 15, 2009

Homework Helper

Simba is not the only one who helps our humans with homework! I do, too!

See??! I help hold the textbooks. While the human is looking at it. Then I get moved to the side, and I know I've done a good job. I'm such a good homework helper!

Also, see my video? I helped with the tessellation poster too. Snowee deserves credit!

This is what I do while homework was trying to be done. (The flower on the pencil was securely attached.)

I can't wait to help with the next big assignment!

Snowee, an academic achiever


My Siberian Kitties said...

When I used to study, my cat Smokey would jump on the table, and roll over upside down on the book as if to say " you are boring", "pet me instead !"

Smokey(ILM), Mishka, Mila, Zateynik (BJ)'s Mommy

Jackie - from Minnesota !!!