'Twas penguin pandemonium! Flightless bird frenzy indeed! Whoo!
An emperor penguin on the throne.

Ahoy, matey! This be my chair, savvy?

Bedtime stories with pajamy penguin. :)

Rescue squad penguin is saving me from Simba on this steep stair mountain! (See my face! I'm saying "oh noes!" :)
Miss ballerina penguin is petting little miss Snow.
Golly gee, wow! 'Tis a flying flightless bird superhero! Wait, did that make sense?

I tackled football penguin and we fell down on the field!

Penguin Fairy! Make all this homework disappear with your flightless bird magic!
An exlplorer penguin! How many species of flightless birds have you encountered?

Sitting pretty with... dragon penguin? So, if you are a penguin and have wings, are you still a flightless birdie?

Snowee, on the lookout for more flightless birds
P.S. ...Oh my goodness gracious!
My humans seem to be catching on to my flightless bird trend. ;)
Flightless birds are the bestest!
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